Adoption of LRMI Terms

Total number of statements in LRMI(CCi) involving particular LRMI terms in 2013-2015


Growth of URLs within LRMI(CCi) between consecutive years


Total number of quads, entities and URLs involving LRMI properties in WDC2013-2015

LRMI property 2013 2014 2015
Class: CreativeWork #docs #entities #quads #docs #entities #quads #docs #entities #quads
educationalAlignment 15372 16073 139197 14647 15064 141332 78726 79310 189550
educationalUse 15653 15939 24309 38768 39732 49544 41679 43270 60199
timeRequired 19209 20707 20711 89943 93773 94676 207729 210407 211018
typicalAgeRange 27318 111596 112339 181197 296330 297172 384164 528302 562471
interactivityType 9013 9209 9209 24027 24866 24867 278835 283827 283830
learningResourceType 28439 28948 29500 63610 80798 80823 116264 118407 118908
isBasedOnUrl 31541 447674 611037 110973 559671 718803 109111 119504 290063
useRightsUrl* 13984 16491 24726 14134 16671 26068 15369 15894 31796
Class: AlignmentObject #docs #entities #quads #docs #entities #quads #docs #entities #quads
alignmentType 13312 55137 55137 11654 44170 44170 76366 110598 110610
targetDescription 2222 85153 85153 2890 97061 97061 2667 86142 86142
targetName 12859 136384 136384 11335 137320 137320 9547 120350 120350
targetUrl 13292 54765 95876 11300 43237 89922 12039 39952 127067
educationalFramework 0 0 0 1 1 1 398 3436 3436
Class: EducationalAudience #docs #entities #quads #docs #entities #quads #docs #entities #quads
educationalRole 10716 10918 10918 8466 8544 8544 6987 7129 7421